
Kids' Kingdom: Fun Learning & Spiritual Growth

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven - Matthew 19:14

Discover Your Crew

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Little Lambs Nursery

6 months - 3 years old

Our youngest children will enjoy a nurturing playroom environment tailored for their age with songs, stories, and activities led by our loving nursery staff and volunteers.

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Preschool Playtime

Pre-K - 1st grade

Using hands-on learning, preschoolers discover God's love through age-appropriate Bible lessons, crafts and play in a supervised classroom.

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Kids' Church

2nd - 6th grade

Elementary kids join energetic Bible study, service projects and fun fellowship to grow their faith and friendships.

Kids Praise Songs

Check out some of our favorite songs to sing together as a church family! The lyrics help teach important Bible truths in a fun, memorable way.

Image of pastor with wife

Sarah Joe / Children's Pastor

I'm Sarah Joe, your Childrens Pastor here at WayForward Church. My goal is to provide a nurturing environment where your kids can develop a lifelong love for God.

As Jesus said in Mark 10:14, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." In this spirit, we strive to make faith exploration fun through interactive Bible lessons, crafts and other activities.

It brings me such joy witnessing the smiles and laughter of little ones discovering their unique talents, made in God's image. My hope is that with guidance, each child will find ways to use their gifts to serve others.

I seek to support you as parents, entrusted with the care of these impressionable souls. Please share your ideas and prayer requests. Together through open communication, I believe we can cultivate meaningful faith in families.

Do stop by after service should you want to discuss your child's experience. It would be my privilege to walk alongside you on this journey. Thank you for partnering with us in children's ministry. God bless!


Person thinking

What age groups do you have?

When do classes meet?

Are background checks done on volunteers?

Can parents stay with their child?

What safety procedures do you have?

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