
Youth Zone: Fellowship, Faith & Fun

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, I find no pleasure in them - Ecclesiastes 12:1

Image of pastor with wife

Welcome to the Youth Zone!

We believe the best way for students to experience God is through building relationships with each other. In this safe space, you can relax and be real as you learn more about your awesome Creator.

Whether through casual hangouts, service projects or deep discussions about life's big questions, our goal is to support each person's spiritual journey. As the Bible says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."

There is no judgment here - only an open door to ask anything on your mind, share laughs and grow stronger together in community. We aim to challenge one another to closer walks with Christ through authentic fellowship.

Our prayer is that you leave feeling empowered yet grounded in God's unconditional love. No matter what's going on in your life, know that you are not alone and this group is here for you.

We can't wait to welcome both familiar and new faces into this journey. Wherever you're at in faith, you've found a home in the Youth Zone!

Youth Praise Playlist

Lifting our voices in praise together is such a powerful way to hold onto truth even in hard times. It is my hope and prayer that through this music, you experience God's presence afresh and find a new perspective on whatever life may bring your way.


Our Services

The church runs weekly, and every one of our services is meant to enrich you in its special way. While our Sunday Service is very comprehensive, our Wednesday and Friday services each meet a distinct spiritual need, allowing not only for fellowship but also engaging Bible study and scripture-based prayer.



Person thinking

What kinds of activities do you do?

How can I get involved?

What if I have questions about faith?

How can parents get involved?

How can I follow updates?

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